9 Quotes & Sayings By Caitlyn Paige

Daughter to famous author, Catherine P. Berdes, known as K.C. Berdes. She has been writing since the age of five and has been published for over a decade Read more

K.C. is a master at weaving stories that are suspenseful yet inspirational and true to life.

There are some things in life that we try to ignore, thinking that maybe if we don't see the problem, it won't see us when in reality, it's only getting bigger. Caitlyn Paige
An innocent mind is a rarity. Society corrupts us all, even if only a little. Caitlyn Paige
What ever happened to creativity? What ever happened to the passion? What ever happened to speaking ones mind? I'll tell you what happened. The kids aged, but never grew up. A baby can whine if it does not like something because it doesn't know better. What's your excuse? Stop getting offended whenever the wind blows your hair the wrong way! We will get nowhere if we continue to avoid truths to avoid offense. Speak your mind and do not be afraid of stepping on toes. The truth can be ugly, and that's what makes it so beautiful. Speak your mind, but don't take this as a chance to lose respect either. Always keep respect. If someone then still claims to be offended, it is not because of you, nor is it your fault. They simply don't like the taste of the bittersweet truth. . Caitlyn Paige
And that's my problem. I love to be alone and hate being around people, but I love to be with people and hate being alone. I don't know what I like and I don't know what I want. Time is a difficult thing. It moves too slowly and speeds up when you finally wish it would slow down or stop. You get to the aftermath and all you have are your memories. Precious memories. The kind that make you smile and laugh like you're living it again, while a nostalgic tear falls. And then another. And then another, until you want to just forget it all to stop the painfully happy memories because at the end of the day, those - not the sad ones - are the memories that hurt us most. . Caitlyn Paige
We're walking with our eyes on everyone else, ignoring the screams that come from the people buried alive underneath our feet. Yet we say we're here for each other and say we care. And we hypocritically wonder why everyone is walking passed our own screams as though we don't do the same. Caitlyn Paige
So, what is my story? I don't know. It's long and twisted and not quite finished yet. Caitlyn Paige
Insanity is nothing more than ordinary. Caitlyn Paige
We talk, even if no one listens, because we never know when someone will. Caitlyn Paige